Meaning of FULLY in English


Fully is used with these adjectives: ↑ able , ↑ absorbed , ↑ acceptable , ↑ accessible , ↑ accountable , ↑ acquainted , ↑ adjustable , ↑ alert , ↑ alive , ↑ apparent , ↑ armed , ↑ armoured , ↑ automatic , ↑ autonomous , ↑ awake , ↑ aware , ↑ bilingual , ↑ capable , ↑ carpeted , ↑ charged , ↑ clad , ↑ closed , ↑ clothed , ↑ comfortable , ↑ committed , ↑ compatible , ↑ competent , ↑ comprehensible , ↑ comprehensive , ↑ concentrated , ↑ confident , ↑ conscious , ↑ consistent , ↑ convinced , ↑ covered , ↑ credible , ↑ democratic , ↑ dependent , ↑ detailed , ↑ developed , ↑ domesticated , ↑ dominant , ↑ educated , ↑ effective , ↑ engaged , ↑ erect , ↑ evident , ↑ exempt , ↑ explicit , ↑ exposed , ↑ familiar , ↑ fit , ↑ furnished , ↑ inclusive , ↑ independent , ↑ inflated , ↑ informed , ↑ insured , ↑ intact , ↑ intelligible , ↑ intent , ↑ interactive , ↑ interchangeable , ↑ justified , ↑ kosher , ↑ laden , ↑ liable , ↑ lined , ↑ literate , ↑ loaded , ↑ mature , ↑ mobile , ↑ occupied , ↑ open , ↑ operational , ↑ operative , ↑ organic , ↑ professional , ↑ proficient , ↑ proven , ↑ qualified , ↑ rational , ↑ recyclable , ↑ representative , ↑ responsible , ↑ responsive , ↑ ripe , ↑ rounded , ↑ satisfactory , ↑ satisfied , ↑ self-contained , ↑ submerged , ↑ supportive , ↑ taxable , ↑ trained , ↑ transferable , ↑ transparent , ↑ undressed , ↑ united , ↑ up to date , ↑ upright , ↑ visible

Fully is used with these verbs: ↑ absorb , ↑ accept , ↑ accord , ↑ account , ↑ acknowledge , ↑ address , ↑ adhere , ↑ agree , ↑ align , ↑ analyse , ↑ answer , ↑ appreciate , ↑ approve , ↑ articulate , ↑ assess , ↑ assimilate , ↑ back , ↑ believe , ↑ benefit , ↑ brief , ↑ clarify , ↑ compensate , ↑ complete , ↑ comply , ↑ comprehend , ↑ concentrate , ↑ concur , ↑ conform , ↑ contribute , ↑ convey , ↑ cook , ↑ cooperate , ↑ cost , ↑ deal , ↑ debate , ↑ define , ↑ deploy , ↑ depreciate , ↑ describe , ↑ deserve , ↑ digest , ↑ disappear , ↑ discharge , ↑ disclose , ↑ discuss , ↑ embrace , ↑ emerge , ↑ enclose , ↑ endorse , ↑ enforce , ↑ engage , ↑ equip , ↑ erase , ↑ establish , ↑ evaluate , ↑ examine , ↑ excavate , ↑ exercise , ↑ expect , ↑ experience , ↑ explain , ↑ exploit , ↑ explore , ↑ expose , ↑ express , ↑ focus , ↑ formulate , ↑ fund , ↑ grasp , ↑ harness , ↑ heal , ↑ identify , ↑ illuminate , ↑ illustrate , ↑ imagine , ↑ immerse , ↑ immunize , ↑ implement , ↑ incorporate , ↑ integrate , ↑ intend , ↑ investigate , ↑ live , ↑ master , ↑ materialize , ↑ mature , ↑ offset , ↑ open , ↑ participate , ↑ penetrate , ↑ prepare , ↑ prepared , ↑ process , ↑ protect , ↑ realize , ↑ recognize , ↑ recover , ↑ regain , ↑ register , ↑ reimburse , ↑ relax , ↑ repair , ↑ repay , ↑ replace , ↑ research , ↑ resolve , ↑ respect , ↑ restore , ↑ review , ↑ revise , ↑ service , ↑ share , ↑ specify , ↑ spell , ↑ staff , ↑ stock , ↑ stretch , ↑ study , ↑ subscribe , ↑ succeed , ↑ supervise , ↑ support , ↑ sympathize , ↑ test , ↑ trust , ↑ understand , ↑ update , ↑ utilize , ↑ vet

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .