Meaning of VERY in English



Very is used with these nouns: ↑ antithesis , ↑ brink , ↑ centre , ↑ core , ↑ corner , ↑ day , ↑ edge , ↑ end , ↑ essence , ↑ existence , ↑ fundamentals , ↑ heart , ↑ instant , ↑ minimum , ↑ moment , ↑ opposite , ↑ reason , ↑ root , ↑ slippery slope , ↑ soul , ↑ start , ↑ summit , ↑ thing , ↑ tip , ↑ top , ↑ word



Very is used with these adjectives: ↑ able , ↑ absorbed , ↑ abstract , ↑ abusive , ↑ acceptable , ↑ accessible , ↑ accomplished , ↑ accurate , ↑ active , ↑ adaptable , ↑ addictive , ↑ adept , ↑ adequate , ↑ admirable , ↑ advanced , ↑ advantageous , ↑ afraid , ↑ aggressive , ↑ aggrieved , ↑ agitated , ↑ agreeable , ↑ alarmed , ↑ alarming , ↑ alert , ↑ alien , ↑ alike , ↑ alive , ↑ ambiguous , ↑ ambitious , ↑ ambivalent , ↑ amiable , ↑ amused , ↑ amusing , ↑ ancient , ↑ angry , ↑ annoyed , ↑ annoying , ↑ anxious , ↑ apologetic , ↑ apparent , ↑ appealing , ↑ applicable , ↑ apprehensive , ↑ appropriate , ↑ articulate , ↑ artificial , ↑ ashamed , ↑ assured , ↑ astute , ↑ attached , ↑ attractive , ↑ authoritarian , ↑ aware , ↑ awkward , ↑ backward , ↑ bad , ↑ bad-tempered , ↑ bare , ↑ barren , ↑ battered , ↑ beautiful , ↑ believable , ↑ beneficial , ↑ best , ↑ bewildered , ↑ bewildering , ↑ biased , ↑ big , ↑ bitter , ↑ bizarre , ↑ black , ↑ bleak , ↑ blonde , ↑ bold , ↑ bored , ↑ boring , ↑ brave , ↑ breathless , ↑ breezy , ↑ brief , ↑ bright , ↑ broad , ↑ brown , ↑ bureaucratic , ↑ businesslike , ↑ busy , ↑ calm , ↑ candid , ↑ capable , ↑ careful , ↑ careless , ↑ casual , ↑ cautious , ↑ central , ↑ certain , ↑ challenging , ↑ chaotic , ↑ characteristic , ↑ charming , ↑ cheap , ↑ cheerful , ↑ chilly , ↑ civil , ↑ claustrophobic , ↑ clean , ↑ clear , ↑ clever , ↑ close , ↑ cloudy , ↑ coherent , ↑ cold , ↑ comfortable , ↑ comforting , ↑ comical , ↑ commendable , ↑ committed , ↑ common , ↑ commonplace , ↑ comparable , ↑ compassionate , ↑ compatible , ↑ compelling , ↑ competent , ↑ competitive , ↑ complacent , ↑ complete , ↑ complex , ↑ complicated , ↑ complimentary , ↑ composed , ↑ comprehensive , ↑ concentrated , ↑ concerned , ↑ confident , ↑ confused , ↑ confusing , ↑ congested , ↑ conscious , ↑ conservative , ↑ consistent , ↑ conspicuous , ↑ constipated , ↑ contagious , ↑ contemporary , ↑ content , ↑ contented , ↑ contentious , ↑ contrived , ↑ controversial , ↑ convenient , ↑ conventional , ↑ convincing , ↑ cool , ↑ cordial , ↑ corrosive , ↑ corrupt , ↑ cosmopolitan , ↑ costly , ↑ courageous , ↑ courteous , ↑ coy , ↑ creamy , ↑ creative , ↑ credible , ↑ creditable , ↑ creepy , ↑ critical , ↑ cross , ↑ crowded , ↑ crucial , ↑ cruel , ↑ curious , ↑ curly , ↑ cynical , ↑ damaging , ↑ damp , ↑ dangerous , ↑ daring , ↑ dark , ↑ dated , ↑ debatable , ↑ decent , ↑ deceptive , ↑ decorative , ↑ dedicated , ↑ deep , ↑ defensive , ↑ degrading , ↑ delicate , ↑ demanding , ↑ dependable , ↑ dependent , ↑ depressed , ↑ depressing , ↑ deprived , ↑ descriptive , ↑ deserving , ↑ desirable , ↑ desperate , ↑ despondent , ↑ destructive , ↑ detached , ↑ detailed , ↑ determined , ↑ detrimental , ↑ developed , ↑ devoted , ↑ different , ↑ difficult , ↑ dignified , ↑ direct , ↑ dirty , ↑ disabled , ↑ disadvantaged , ↑ disappointed , ↑ disappointing , ↑ disapproving , ↑ disconcerting , ↑ dishonest , ↑ disillusioned , ↑ dismal , ↑ dismissive , ↑ disorganized , ↑ disreputable , ↑ disruptive , ↑ dissatisfied , ↑ dissimilar , ↑ distant , ↑ distasteful , ↑ distinct , ↑ distinctive , ↑ distracted , ↑ distraught , ↑ distressing , ↑ disturbed , ↑ disturbing , ↑ diverse , ↑ divisive , ↑ domesticated , ↑ dominant , ↑ doubtful , ↑ dramatic , ↑ drunk , ↑ dry , ↑ dubious , ↑ dull , ↑ dumb , ↑ dynamic , ↑ eager , ↑ early , ↑ easy , ↑ eccentric , ↑ economical , ↑ edgy , ↑ educated , ↑ eerie , ↑ effective , ↑ efficient , ↑ elaborate , ↑ elated , ↑ elegant , ↑ eloquent , ↑ elusive , ↑ embarrassed , ↑ embarrassing , ↑ emotional , ↑ emotive , ↑ emphatic , ↑ empty , ↑ encouraging , ↑ energetic , ↑ engrossed , ↑ enigmatic , ↑ enjoyable , ↑ entertaining , ↑ enthusiastic , ↑ envious , ↑ erect , ↑ erotic , ↑ erratic , ↑ essential , ↑ even , ↑ evident , ↑ evil , ↑ exceptional , ↑ excitable , ↑ excited , ↑ exciting , ↑ exclusive , ↑ exhausting , ↑ expensive , ↑ experienced , ↑ explicit , ↑ explosive , ↑ exposed , ↑ expressive , ↑ extravagant , ↑ extreme , ↑ faint , ↑ fair , ↑ faithful , ↑ false , ↑ familiar , ↑ famous , ↑ far-fetched , ↑ fascinating , ↑ fashionable , ↑ fast , ↑ fat , ↑ favourable , ↑ fearful , ↑ fed up , ↑ feminine , ↑ fertile , ↑ fickle , ↑ fine , ↑ firm , ↑ fishy , ↑ fit , ↑ fitting , ↑ fixed , ↑ flammable , ↑ flat , ↑ flattered , ↑ flattering , ↑ flexible , ↑ fluid , ↑ flushed , ↑ fond , ↑ foolish , ↑ foreign , ↑ forlorn , ↑ formal , ↑ formidable , ↑ forthright , ↑ fortunate , ↑ fragile , ↑ fragrant , ↑ frail , ↑ frank , ↑ frequent , ↑ fresh , ↑ friendly , ↑ frightened , ↑ frightening , ↑ frosty , ↑ fruitful , ↑ frustrated , ↑ frustrating , ↑ full , ↑ fundamental , ↑ funny , ↑ fuzzy , ↑ generous , ↑ gentle , ↑ genuine , ↑ gifted , ↑ glad , ↑ glamorous , ↑ gloomy , ↑ good , ↑ good-looking , ↑ grateful , ↑ gratifying , ↑ great , ↑ gregarious , ↑ grey , ↑ gruesome , ↑ guilty , ↑ handsome , ↑ handy , ↑ haphazard , ↑ happy , ↑ hard , ↑ harmful , ↑ harsh , ↑ hazardous , ↑ hazy , ↑ healthy , ↑ heavy , ↑ helpful , ↑ heroic , ↑ hierarchical , ↑ hoarse , ↑ homesick , ↑ homogeneous , ↑ honest , ↑ honourable , ↑ honoured , ↑ hopeful , ↑ hostile , ↑ hot , ↑ humiliating , ↑ humorous , ↑ hungry , ↑ hurt , ↑ hurtful , ↑ ignorant , ↑ ill , ↑ illuminating , ↑ imaginative , ↑ immature , ↑ immoral , ↑ impatient , ↑ imperfect , ↑ impersonal , ↑ impertinent , ↑ implausible , ↑ important , ↑ impractical , ↑ imprecise , ↑ impressed , ↑ impressionable , ↑ impressive , ↑ improbable , ↑ inaccurate , ↑ inadequate , ↑ inappropriate , ↑ inclined , ↑ incomplete , ↑ inconsistent , ↑ inconvenient , ↑ independent , ↑ indifferent , ↑ indignant , ↑ ineffective , ↑ inefficient , ↑ inexpensive , ↑ inexperienced , ↑ infectious , ↑ inferior , ↑ inflexible , ↑ influential , ↑ informal , ↑ informative , ↑ infrequent , ↑ ingenious , ↑ inhibited , ↑ innocent , ↑ inquisitive , ↑ insecure , ↑ insensitive , ↑ insignificant , ↑ insistent , ↑ inspiring , ↑ instructive , ↑ instrumental , ↑ insulting , ↑ intelligent , ↑ intense , ↑ intensive , ↑ interactive , ↑ interested , ↑ interesting , ↑ intolerant , ↑ intricate , ↑ intriguing , ↑ intrusive , ↑ intuitive , ↑ inventive , ↑ inviting , ↑ involved , ↑ ironic , ↑ irregular , ↑ irresponsible , ↑ irritated , ↑ irritating , ↑ isolated , ↑ jealous , ↑ junior , ↑ keen , ↑ kind , ↑ knowledgeable , ↑ lame , ↑ large , ↑ late , ↑ lazy , ↑ legitimate , ↑ lengthy , ↑ lenient , ↑ liberal , ↑ light , ↑ light-headed , ↑ likeable , ↑ likely , ↑ limited , ↑ limp , ↑ literate , ↑ loaded , ↑ logical , ↑ lonely , ↑ long , ↑ long-lived , ↑ lost , ↑ loud , ↑ lovely , ↑ low , ↑ low-key , ↑ loyal , ↑ lucky , ↑ lucrative , ↑ luxurious , ↑ lyrical , ↑ mad , ↑ magical , ↑ male , ↑ manageable , ↑ marked , ↑ marketable , ↑ masculine , ↑ mature , ↑ mean , ↑ mellow , ↑ memorable , ↑ menacing , ↑ mild , ↑ militant , ↑ minor , ↑ miserable , ↑ misleading , ↑ mixed , ↑ mobile , ↑ moderate , ↑ modest , ↑ moist , ↑ motivated , ↑ moving , ↑ muddled , ↑ muddy , ↑ mundane , ↑ muted , ↑ naive , ↑ narrow , ↑ nasty , ↑ natural , ↑ neat , ↑ needy , ↑ negative , ↑ nervous , ↑ new , ↑ nice , ↑ noisy , ↑ normal , ↑ noticeable , ↑ novel , ↑ numerous , ↑ nutritious , ↑ objective , ↑ obscure , ↑ observant , ↑ obvious , ↑ odd , ↑ off-putting , ↑ offensive , ↑ oily , ↑ old , ↑ old-fashioned , ↑ one-sided , ↑ opaque , ↑ open , ↑ opposed , ↑ optimistic , ↑ orderly , ↑ ordinary , ↑ organized , ↑ oriented , ↑ original , ↑ ornate , ↑ orthodox , ↑ overcast , ↑ overcrowded , ↑ overgrown , ↑ overweight , ↑ painful , ↑ pale , ↑ partial , ↑ passive , ↑ patchy , ↑ patient , ↑ patriotic , ↑ patronizing , ↑ peaceful , ↑ peculiar , ↑ peeved , ↑ perceptive , ↑ permissive , ↑ perplexed , ↑ persistent , ↑ personal , ↑ persuasive , ↑ pertinent , ↑ pervasive , ↑ perverse , ↑ pessimistic , ↑ philosophical , ↑ plain , ↑ plausible , ↑ pleasant , ↑ pleased , ↑ pleasing , ↑ pleasurable , ↑ poetic , ↑ poignant , ↑ poisonous , ↑ polite , ↑ political , ↑ popular , ↑ portable , ↑ positive , ↑ possessive , ↑ possible , ↑ potent , ↑ powerful , ↑ practical , ↑ pragmatic , ↑ precious , ↑ precise , ↑ predictable , ↑ pregnant , ↑ prejudiced , ↑ preoccupied , ↑ presentable , ↑ prestigious , ↑ pretty , ↑ privileged , ↑ probable , ↑ productive , ↑ professional , ↑ proficient , ↑ profitable , ↑ progressive , ↑ prolific , ↑ prolonged , ↑ prominent , ↑ promising , ↑ prone , ↑ pronounced , ↑ proper , ↑ prosperous , ↑ protective , ↑ proud , ↑ provocative , ↑ prudent , ↑ puzzled , ↑ questionable , ↑ quick , ↑ quiet , ↑ radical , ↑ rapid , ↑ rare , ↑ rational , ↑ reactionary , ↑ readable , ↑ ready , ↑ real , ↑ realistic , ↑ reasonable , ↑ reassuring , ↑ recent , ↑ red , ↑ reflective , ↑ refreshing , ↑ regrettable , ↑ regular , ↑ relaxed , ↑ relevant , ↑ reliable , ↑ relieved , ↑ religious , ↑ reluctant , ↑ remarkable , ↑ reminiscent , ↑ remote , ↑ repellent , ↑ repetitive , ↑ representative , ↑ repressed , ↑ repulsive , ↑ reputable , ↑ resentful , ↑ reserved , ↑ resilient , ↑ resistant , ↑ resourceful , ↑ respectable , ↑ responsible , ↑ responsive , ↑ restrained , ↑ restricted , ↑ restrictive , ↑ revealing , ↑ rewarding , ↑ rich , ↑ rigid , ↑ ripe , ↑ risky , ↑ romantic , ↑ rude , ↑ rural , ↑ sad , ↑ safe , ↑ sarcastic , ↑ satisfactory , ↑ satisfied , ↑ satisfying , ↑ savage , ↑ scarce , ↑ scared , ↑ sceptical , ↑ secluded , ↑ secret , ↑ secretive , ↑ secure , ↑ seductive , ↑ selective , ↑ self-conscious , ↑ self-contained , ↑ selfish , ↑ senior , ↑ sensible , ↑ sensitive , ↑ separate , ↑ serene , ↑ serious , ↑ settled , ↑ severe , ↑ sexy , ↑ shaken , ↑ shaky , ↑ shallow , ↑ sharp , ↑ shocked , ↑ shocking , ↑ short , ↑ shy , ↑ sick , ↑ significant , ↑ silly , ↑ similar , ↑ simple , ↑ simplistic , ↑ sincere , ↑ sinister , ↑ skilful , ↑ skilled , ↑ skinny , ↑ slack , ↑ sleepy , ↑ slender , ↑ slight , ↑ slim , ↑ slimy , ↑ slippery , ↑ slow , ↑ small , ↑ smart , ↑ smooth , ↑ smug , ↑ soft , ↑ solemn , ↑ solid , ↑ soluble , ↑ sombre , ↑ soothing , ↑ sophisticated , ↑ sorry , ↑ sound , ↑ sour , ↑ spacious , ↑ specialized , ↑ specific , ↑ spectacular , ↑ spicy , ↑ spiritual , ↑ spooky , ↑ square , ↑ stable , ↑ staid , ↑ stale , ↑ startled , ↑ static , ↑ steady , ↑ steep , ↑ sterile , ↑ sticky , ↑ stiff , ↑ still , ↑ stimulating , ↑ straightforward , ↑ strained , ↑ strange , ↑ stressed , ↑ stressful , ↑ striking , ↑ strong , ↑ stupid , ↑ subdued , ↑ subjective , ↑ subtle , ↑ subversive , ↑ successful , ↑ suggestive , ↑ suitable , ↑ suited , ↑ sunny , ↑ superficial , ↑ supple , ↑ supportive , ↑ sure , ↑ surprised , ↑ surprising , ↑ susceptible , ↑ suspect , ↑ suspicious , ↑ sweaty , ↑ sweet , ↑ swift , ↑ swollen , ↑ symbolic , ↑ sympathetic , ↑ talented , ↑ tall , ↑ tame , ↑ tanned , ↑ tasteful , ↑ taxing , ↑ tearful , ↑ technical , ↑ tedious , ↑ temperamental , ↑ temporary , ↑ tender , ↑ tense , ↑ terrible , ↑ thankful , ↑ thick , ↑ thin , ↑ threadbare , ↑ threatening , ↑ tidy , ↑ tight , ↑ tiny , ↑ tired , ↑ tolerant , ↑ touched , ↑ tough , ↑ toxic , ↑ traditional , ↑ tragic , ↑ tranquil , ↑ transparent , ↑ traumatic , ↑ treacherous , ↑ trivial , ↑ troubled , ↑ true , ↑ truthful , ↑ typical , ↑ ugly , ↑ unbalanced , ↑ uncertain , ↑ uncharacteristic , ↑ uncomfortable , ↑ uncommon , ↑ understandable , ↑ undesirable , ↑ undignified , ↑ uneasy , ↑ unexpected , ↑ unfair , ↑ unfamiliar , ↑ unfashionable , ↑ unfit , ↑ unfortunate , ↑ unfriendly , ↑ unhappy , ↑ uninhibited , ↑ unlikely , ↑ unlucky , ↑ unnatural , ↑ unorthodox , ↑ unpleasant , ↑ unpopular , ↑ unreal , ↑ unreasonable , ↑ unstable , ↑ unsuitable , ↑ unsure , ↑ untidy , ↑ unusual , ↑ unwell , ↑ up to date , ↑ uplifting , ↑ upset , ↑ uptight , ↑ urgent , ↑ used to , ↑ useful , ↑ usual , ↑ vague , ↑ valid , ↑ valuable , ↑ variable , ↑ varied , ↑ versatile , ↑ vicious , ↑ vigilant , ↑ vigorous , ↑ violent , ↑ visible , ↑ vital , ↑ vivid , ↑ vocal , ↑ volatile , ↑ vulnerable , ↑ warm , ↑ wary , ↑ weak , ↑ wealthy , ↑ weary , ↑ weird , ↑ welcome , ↑ wet , ↑ white , ↑ wide , ↑ widespread , ↑ wild , ↑ willing , ↑ wise , ↑ wobbly , ↑ worried , ↑ worrying , ↑ worthwhile , ↑ worthy , ↑ wrinkled , ↑ wrong , ↑ young

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .