Meaning of BRUISE in English

/ bruːz; NAmE / verb , noun

■ verb


to develop a bruise , or make a bruise or bruises appear on the skin of sb/sth :

[ v ]

Strawberries bruise easily.

[ vn ]

She had slipped and badly bruised her face.

➡ note at injure


[ vn ] [ usually passive ] to affect sb badly and make them feel unhappy and less confident :

They had been badly bruised by the defeat.

►  bruised adjective :

He suffered badly bruised ribs in the crash.

bruised fruit

a bruised ego

►  bruis·ing noun [ U ]:

She suffered severe bruising, but no bones were broken.

internal bruising

—see also bruising adjective

■ noun


a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after sb has fallen, been hit, etc. :

to be covered in bruises

cuts and bruises

➡ note at injure


a mark on a fruit or vegetable where it is damaged



Old English brӯsan crush or injure with a blow , reinforced in Middle English by Old French bruisier break.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь для изучающик язык на продвинутом уровне.