Meaning of BEFORE in English

conj., prep., & adv.


1. earlier than the time when (crawled before he walked).

2 rather than that (would starve before he stole).


1. a in front of (before her in the queue). b ahead of (crossed the line before him). c under the impulse of (recoil before the attack). d awaiting (the future before them).

2 earlier than; preceding (Lent comes before Easter).

3 rather than (death before dishonour).

4 a in the presence of (appear before the judge). b for the attention of (a plan put before the committee).


1. a earlier than the time in question; already (heard it before). b in the past (happened long before).

2 ahead (go before).

3 on the front (hit before and behind).

Phrases and idioms:

Before Christ (of a date) reckoned backwards from the birth of Christ. before God a solemn oath meaning 'as God sees me'. before time see TIME.

Etymology: OE beforan f. Gmc

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.