Meaning of CHORUS in English

n. & v.

--n. (pl. choruses)

1. a group (esp. a large one) of singers; a choir.

2 a piece of music composed for a choir.

3 the refrain or the main part of a popular song, in which a chorus participates.

4 any simultaneous utterance by many persons etc. (a chorus of disapproval followed).

5 a group of singers and dancers performing in concert in a musical comedy, opera, etc.

6 Gk Antiq. a in Greek tragedy, a group of performers who comment together in voice and movement on the main action. b an utterance of the chorus.

7 esp. in Elizabethan drama, a character who speaks the prologue and other linking parts of the play.

8 the part spoken by this character. & intr. (of a group) speak or utter simultaneously.

Phrases and idioms:

chorus girl a young woman who sings or dances in the chorus of a musical comedy etc. in chorus (uttered) together; in unison.

Etymology: L f. Gk khoros

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.