Meaning of CONDEMN in English

1. express utter disapproval of; censure (was condemned for his irresponsible behaviour).

2 a find guilty; convict. b (usu. foll. by to) sentence to (a punishment, esp. death). c bring about the conviction of (his looks condemn him).

3 pronounce (a building etc.) unfit for use or habitation.

4 (usu. foll. by to) doom or assign (to something unwelcome or painful) (condemned to spending hours at the kitchen sink).

5 a declare (smuggled goods, property, etc.) to be forfeited. b pronounce incurable.

Phrases and idioms:

condemned cell a cell for a prisoner condemned to death.


condemnable adj. condemnation n. condemnatory adj.

Etymology: ME f. OF condem(p)ner f. L condemnare (as com-, damnare damn)

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