Meaning of GOAL in English

n.1 the object of a person's ambition or effort; a destination; an aim (fame is his goal; London was our goal).

2 a Football a pair of posts with a crossbar between which the ball has to be sent to score. b a cage or basket used similarly in other games. c a point won (scored 3 goals).

3 a point marking the end of a race.

Phrases and idioms:

goal average Football the ratio of the numbers of goals scored for and against a team in a series of matches. goal difference Football the difference of goals scored for and against. goal-kick

1. Assoc. Football a kick by the defending side after attackers send the ball over the goal-line without scoring.

2 Rugby Football an attempt to kick a goal. goal-line Football a line between each pair of goalposts, extended to form the end-boundary of a field of play (cf. touch-line). goal-minder (or -tender) US a goalkeeper at ice hockey. goal-mouth Football the space between or near the goalposts. in goal in the position of goalkeeper.


goalless adj.

Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn.: perh. identical with ME gol boundary

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