Meaning of GRAFT in English

1. n. & v.


1. Bot. a a shoot or scion inserted into a slit of stock, from which it receives sap. b the place where a graft is inserted.

2 Surgery a piece of living tissue, organ, etc., transplanted surgically.

3 sl. hard work.


1. tr. a (often foll. by into, on, together, etc.) insert (a scion) as a graft. b insert a graft on (a stock).

2 intr. insert a graft.

3 tr. Surgery transplant (living tissue).

4 tr. (foll. by in, on) insert or fix (a thing) permanently to another.

5 intr. sl. work hard.

Phrases and idioms:

grafting-clay (or -wax) a substance for covering the united parts of a graft and stock.


grafter n.

Etymology: ME (earlier graff) f. OF grafe, grefe f. L graphium f. Gk graphion stylus f. grapho write 2. n. & v. colloq.


1. practices, esp. bribery, used to secure illicit gains in politics or business.

2 such gains.

--v.intr. seek or make such gains.


grafter n.

Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn.

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.