Meaning of I in English

1. n. (also i) (pl. Is or I's)

1. the ninth letter of the alphabet.

2 (as a Roman numeral) 1.

Phrases and idioms:

I-beam a girder of I-shaped section. 2. pron. & n.

--pron. (obj. me; poss. my, mine; pl. we) used by a speaker or writer to refer to himself or herself.

--n. (the I) Metaphysics the ego; the subject or object of self-consciousness.

Etymology: OE f. Gmc 3.

symb. Chem. the element iodine. 4. abbr. (also I.)

1. Island(s).

2 Isle(s).

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.