Meaning of PROOF in English

n., adj., & v.


1. facts, evidence, argument, etc. establishing or helping to establish a fact (proof of their honesty; no proof that he was there).

2 Law the spoken or written evidence in a trial.

3 a demonstration or act of proving (not capable of proof; in proof of my assertion).

4 a test or trial (put them to the proof; the proof of the pudding is in the eating).

5 the standard of strength of distilled alcoholic liquors.

6 Printing a trial impression taken from type or film, used for making corrections before final printing.

7 the stages in the resolution of a mathematical or philosophical problem.

8 each of a limited number of impressions from an engraved plate before the ordinary issue is printed and usu. (in full proof before letters) before an inscription or signature is added.

9 a photographic print made for selection etc.

10 Sc. Law a trial before a judge instead of by a jury.


1. impervious to penetration, ill effects, etc. (proof against the severest weather; his soul is proof against corruption).

2 (in comb.) able to withstand damage or destruction by a specified agent (soundproof; childproof).

3 being of proof alcoholic strength.

4 (of armour) of tried strength.

1. make (something) proof, esp. make (fabric) waterproof.

2 make a proof of (a printed work, engraving, etc.).

Phrases and idioms:

above proof (of alcohol) having a stronger than standard strength. proof-plane a small flat conductor on an insulating handle for measuring the electrification of a body. proof positive absolutely certain proof. proof-sheet a sheet of printer's proof. proof spirit a mixture of alcohol and water having proof strength.


proofless adj.

Etymology: ME prof prove, earlier pref etc. f. OF proeve, prueve f. LL proba f. L probare (see PROVE; adj. and sometimes v. formed app. by ellipsis f. phr. of proof proved to be impenetrable

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.