Meaning of PUG in English

1. n.1 (in full pug-dog) a a dwarf breed of dog like a bulldog with a broad flat nose and deeply wrinkled face. b a dog of this breed.

2 a fox.

3 Brit. a small locomotive for shunting etc.

Phrases and idioms:

pug-nose a short squat or snub nose. pug-nosed having such a nose.


puggish adj. puggy adj.

Etymology: 16th c.: perh. f. LG or Du. 2. n. & v.

--n. loam or clay mixed and prepared for making bricks, pottery, etc.

--v.tr. (pugged, pugging)

1. prepare (clay) thus.

2 pack (esp. the space under the floor to deaden sound) with pug, sawdust, etc.

Phrases and idioms:

pug-mill a mill for preparing pug.


pugging n.

Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. 3. n. sl. a boxer.

Etymology: abbr. of PUGILIST 4. n. & v.

--n. the footprint of an animal.

--v.tr. (pugged, pugging) track by pugs .

Etymology: Hindi pag footprint

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.