Meaning of SCARE in English

v. & n.


1. tr. frighten, esp. suddenly (his expression scared us).

2 tr. (as scared adj.) (usu. foll. by of, or to + infin.) frightened; terrified (scared of his own shadow).

3 tr. (usu. foll. by away, off, up, etc.) drive away by frightening.

4 intr. become scared (they don't scare easily).


1. a sudden attack of fright (gave me a scare).

2 a general, esp. baseless, fear of war, invasion, epidemic, etc. (a measles scare).

3 a financial panic causing share-selling etc.

Phrases and idioms:

scaredy-cat colloq. a timid person. scare-heading (or -head) a shockingly sensational newspaper headline. scare up (or out) esp. US

1. frighten (game etc.) out of cover.

2 colloq. manage to find; discover (see if we can scare up a meal).


scarer n.

Etymology: ME skerre f. ON skirra frighten f. skjarr timid

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