Meaning of WAG in English

1. v. & n.

--v. (wagged, wagging)

1. tr. & intr. shake or wave rapidly or energetically to and fro.

2 intr. archaic (of the world, times, etc.) go along with varied fortune or characteristics.

--n. a single wagging motion (with a wag of his tail).

Phrases and idioms:

the tail wags the dog the less or least important member of a society, section of a party, or part of a structure has control. tongues (or beards or chins or jaws) wag there is talk.

Etymology: ME waggen f. root of OE wagian sway 2. n.1 a facetious person, a joker.

2 Brit. sl. a truant (play the wag).

Etymology: prob. f. obs. waghalter one likely to be hanged (as WAG(1), HALTER)

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