Meaning of PAGAN in English

There is no generally accepted meaning for this term. Some definitions include:

- a person who is neither Christian, a Muslim or a Jew . About 45% of the people of the world are Pagans, by this definition.

- an animistic, spirits-and-essences filled belief system, usually polytheistic. It is based upon direct perception of the forces of nature and usually involves the use of idols, talismans and taboos in order to convey respect for these forces and beings.

- Wiccans and other Neopagans sometimes use Pagan as a synonym for Neopagan .

- Conservative: no general consensus as to meaning; sometimes used as a "snarl" word to refer to cultures and religions very different from the speaker's.

We recommend that the term never be used in speech or written form. Otherwise mass confusion will occur, as the writer/speaker will use the word in one context, while readers/listeners will interpret the term according to their favorite, personal definition. We suggest that you use the actual name of the religious group that you are referring to: e.g. Hindu, Animist, Wiccan, Neopagan, etc. to avoid ambiguity

English glossary of religious terms.      Английский глоссарий религиозных терминов.