Meaning of CHODE in English

n or adj 1. a derogatory term. Notes: in many areas, refers to the portion of skip between the scrotum and anus. Therefore, being a chode is undesirable. In other areas, the word lacks a true translation, the closest equivalent being "moron." ("You are such a chode!" or "You chode!") Supplemental information provided by Ben Kirkham, Eau Claire, WI, USA, 4-6-1997. Michael Venables adds the following: "My understanding of the origin of 'chode' runs something like this: while chode is used now for 'moron' its earlier use referred more to country bumpkins, hicks, or Okies. The main character of John Steinbeck's classic Depression-era Okie novel The Grapes of Wrath is Tom Joad. We get 'chode' from 'Joad' due to poor enunciation and ignorance of the source." 2. a short, stubby penis. penis insults (list of) anatomy (related to)

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