When somebody uses a website she [See her.] created (called pseudodictionary) to try and get people to vote for a t-shirt she [See her.] designed. Often followed by boring articles that attack President Bush and mentions (sic) there (sic)site. Example: See right column, main page. [ED. Beau failed to use his word in his example. Despite that shortcoming, the word was added to the pseudodictionary. We're way too cool to reject a word because it's critical of us. Besides, we might see endless complaints about censorship if we rejected them. C'mon, Beau. Take another whack at us, if you dare. We can take it.] [Supposedly, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President he got into an argument with the publisher William Randolph Hearst. When their war of words was finally over, he was asked if he had learned anything. He responded, I learned not to argue with people who buy their ink by the barrel. Also attributed to Mark Twain as I never argue with people who buy their ink by the barrel and Never pick fights with people who buy their ink by the barrel. Added by Alan C. Page (NFL Hall of Famer and Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court) in a 1998 keynote address or their paper by the ton. See for more.]

Slang English vocab.      Английский сленговый словарь.