Meaning of TUMBLEWEED in English

This is said in those awkward situations in a conversation when there is a period of silence. In old western films, a blowing tumblweed was used as a sign of boredom or lack of action. When a conversation turns to silence, say Tumbleweed to break the silence and allow the conversation to continue as before. Example: (Sam, Kerem & Ashley are engaged in a conversation that stalls.) Kerem: So.... Sam: (says nothing) Ashley: (says nothing) Kerem: (says nothing) (This uncomfortable silence can then be broken.) Ashley: (ays nothing) Sam: Tumbleweed. Ashley: Haha. Kerem: Yeah, Sam, that was funny. (See, the conversation is now free to continue as before.)

Slang English vocab.      Английский сленговый словарь.