Meaning of FULL in English

(·comp) sated; surfeited.

2. full (·comp) filled with emotions.

3. full (·comp) impregnated; made pregnant.

4. full ·noun complete measure; utmost extent; the highest state or degree.

5. full ·vi to become fulled or thickened; as, this material fulls well.

6. full ·vi to become full or wholly illuminated; as, the moon fulls at midnight.

7. full (·comp) having the mind filled with ideas; stocked with knowledge; stored with information.

8. full ·adv quite; to the same degree; without abatement or diminution; with the whole force or effect; thoroughly; completely; exactly; entirely.

9. full (·comp) having the attention, thoughts, ·etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as, to be full of some project.

10. full ·noun to thicken by moistening, heating, and pressing, as cloth; to mill; to make compact; to scour, cleanse, and thicken in a mill.

11. full (·comp) not wanting in any essential quality; complete, entire; perfect; adequate; as, a full narrative; a person of full age; a full stop; a full face; the full moon.

12. full (·comp) filled up, having within its limits all that it can contain; supplied; not empty or vacant;

— said primarily of hollow vessels, and hence of anything else; as, a cup full of water; a house full of people.

13. full (·comp) abundantly furnished or provided; sufficient in. quantity, quality, or degree; copious; plenteous; ample; adequate; as, a full meal; a full supply; a full voice; a full compensation; a house full of furniture.

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