Meaning of GRIFFON in English

noun an english early apple.

2. griffon ·noun a representation of this creature as an heraldic charge.

3. griffon ·noun a fabulous monster, half lion and half eagle. it is often represented in grecian and roman works of art.

4. griffon ·noun a species of large vulture (gyps fulvus) found in the mountainous parts of southern europe, north africa, and asia minor;

— called also gripe, and grype. it is supposed to be the "eagle" of the bible. the bearded griffin is the lammergeir.

5. griffon ·add. ·noun one of a european breed of rough-coated dogs, somewhat taller than the setter and of a grizzly liver color. they are used in hunt game birds. the brussels griffon is a very small, wiry-coated, short-nosed pet dog of belgian origin.

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