Meaning of KERN in English

noun an idler; a vagabond.

2. kern ·noun a churn.

3. kern ·vi to harden, as corn in ripening.

4. kern ·add. ·noun the harvest-home.

5. kern ·vt to form with a kern. ·see 2d kern.

6. kern ·add. ·noun kernel; corn; grain.

7. kern ·noun any kind of boor or low-lived person.

8. kern ·noun a hand mill. ·see quern.

9. kern ·add. ·noun the last handful or sheaf reaped at the harvest.

10. kern ·vi to take the form of kernels; to granulate.

11. kern ·noun a part of the face of a type which projects beyond the body, or shank.

12. kern ·noun a light-armed foot soldier of the ancient militia of ireland and scotland;

— distinguished from gallowglass, and often used as a term of contempt.

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