Meaning of QUIET in English

adj free from noise or disturbance; hushed; still.

2. quiet ·vi to become still, silent, or calm;

— often with down; as, be soon quieted down.

3. quiet ·adj the quality or state of being quiet, or in repose; as an hour or a time of quiet.

4. quiet ·adj freedom from disturbance, noise, or alarm; stillness; tranquillity; peace; security.

5. quiet ·adj not excited or anxious; calm; peaceful; placid; settled; as, a quiet life; a quiet conscience.

6. quiet ·vt to stop motion in; to still; to reduce to a state of rest, or of silence.

7. quiet ·adj in a state of rest or calm; without stir, motion, or agitation; still; as, a quiet sea; quiet air.

8. quiet ·adj not giving offense; not exciting disorder or trouble; not turbulent; gentle; mild; meek; contented.

9. quiet ·adj not showy; not such as to attract attention; undemonstrative; as, a quiet dress; quiet colors; a quiet movement.

10. quiet ·vt to calm; to appease; to pacify; to lull; to allay; to tranquillize; as, to quiet the passions; to quiet clamors or disorders; to quiet pain or grief.

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