Meaning of SPUR in English

noun ergotized rye or other grain.

2. spur ·noun a tern.

3. spur ·noun something that projects; a snag.

4. spur ·noun a sparrow.

5. spur ·add. ·noun a branch of a vein.

6. spur ·noun the short wooden buttress of a post.

7. spur ·vt to put spurs on; as, a spurred boot.

8. spur ·noun one of the large or principal roots of a tree.

9. spur ·noun any projecting appendage of a flower looking like a spur.

10. spur ·add. ·noun the track of an animal, as an otter; a spoor.

11. spur ·noun that which goads to action; an incitement.

12. spur ·noun a wall that crosses a part of a rampart and joins to an inner wall.

13. spur ·noun a brace strengthening a post and some connected part, as a rafter or crossbeam; a strut.

14. spur ·vt to prick with spurs; to incite to a more hasty pace; to urge or goad; as, to spur a horse.

15. spur ·noun a curved piece of timber serving as a half to support the deck where a whole beam can not be placed.

xvi. spur ·noun a piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side.

xvii. spur ·vi to spur on one' horse; to travel with great expedition; to hasten; hence, to press forward in any pursuit.

xviii. spur ·noun any stiff, sharp spine, as on the wings and legs of certain burds, on the legs of insects, ·etc.; especially, the spine on a cock's leg.

xix. spur ·noun a spiked iron worn by seamen upon the bottom of the boot, to enable them to stand upon the carcass of a whale, to strip off the blubber.

xx. spur ·noun a mountain that shoots from any other mountain, or range of mountains, and extends to some distance in a lateral direction, or at right angles.

xxi. spur ·noun an implement secured to the heel, or above the heel, of a horseman, to urge the horse by its pressure. modern spurs have a small wheel, or rowel, with short points. spurs were the badge of knighthood.

xxii. spur ·noun a projection from the round base of a column, occupying the angle of a square plinth upon which the base rests, or bringing the bottom bed of the base to a nearly square form. it is generally carved in leafage.

xxiii. spur ·vt to urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object; to incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to impel; to drive.

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