Meaning of DECORTICATE in English

I. (ˈ)dē|kȯ(r)d.əˌkāt, də̇ˈk-, -)təˌk-, usu -d.+V transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin decorticatus, past participle of decorticare to remove the bark from, from de from, away + -corticare (from cortic-, cortex bark) — more at de- , cortex

1. : to remove the bark, husk, or other outer covering from : hull , peel , skin , strip

decorticated rice

decorticate a coconut


a. : to remove all or part of the cortex from (as the brain)

b. : to remove the periostracum of (a mollusk)

c. : to separate (fiber) from the woody part of a fiber plant

2. : flay 2

Synonyms: see skin

II. -əˌkāt, -ə̇kə̇t adjective

Etymology: Latin decorticatus

: without a cortical layer : decorticated

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