Meaning of DECUSSATE in English

I. ˈdekəˌsāt, də̇ˈk-, dēˈk-, usu -d.+V verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin decussatus, past participle of decussare, from decussis number ten, numeral X, intersection of two lines, irregular from decem ten + ass-, as copper coin — more at ace

transitive verb

: to cross, cut, or divide in the form of an X : intersect

intransitive verb

: to cross each other in the form of an X : intersect

II. “, -_sə̇t adjective

Etymology: Latin decussatus, past participle of decussare

1. : shaped like an X

a decussate cross

2. botany : arranged in pairs each at right angles to the next pair above or below

decussate leaves

— compare brachiate

• dec·us·sate·ly adverb

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