Meaning of FAITHFUL in English

I. ˈfāthfəl adjective

Etymology: Middle English feithful, from feith faith + -ful

1. archaic : full of faith : ready to believe especially in the declarations and promises of God

2. : true and constant in affection or allegiance : loyal

a faithful friend

a faithful dog

3. : firm in adherence to promises, oaths, or undertakings : firm and thorough in the observance of duty : conscientious

a faithful public official

faithful to his plan of economy — W.M.Thackeray

4. : given with strong or solemn assurances : binding

a faithful promise

5. : conforming to the facts or to an original : worthy of credence : accurate , reliable , exact , credible

the book presents a faithful picture of life in that century

the painter … concerned … with the faithful rendering of the observed facts — Encounter

a very faithful source


loyal , leal , true , constant , staunch , steadfast , resolute : faithful implies firm and unhesitating adherence to whatever one is bound to by ties of honor, friendship, allegiance, or love

the story of Lilla, faithful thane, who flung himself between his Northumbrian king, Edwin, and the sword of the assassin — H.O.Taylor

she proved a good and faithful helpmate, assisted me much by attending the shop; we throve together, and have ever mutually endeavored to make each other happy — Benjamin Franklin

loyal may indicate a continuing, reliable faithfulness and allegiance secure against wavering and temptation

a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline — F.D.Roosevelt

there was no man more loyal to his commander. On the morning of the mutiny there had not been a moment's hesitation in deciding where his duty lay — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall

leal is a Scots or archaic form of loyal

thou, Scotland's son, that would'st be leal and true — J.S.Blackie

true may add implications of deep inner fidelity and devotion

goodhearted and true, full of sturdy, homely sense, willing to take care of a man's money, and make him a straightforward wife — George Moore

in my judgment the Quakers are the truest Christians in the modern world — W.R.Inge

constant indicates the fact of firm attachment or adherence but implies less than other words in this set about resolution or deep feeling

if he will be constant and kind, and not forsake her — W.M.Thackeray

his last and most constant love was for a Roman girl named Morosina — R.A.Hall b. 1911

staunch suggests resolution, fortitude, and conviction in adherence and imperviousness to influences which would weaken it

staunch adherence to majority decisions and determination at all costs to preserve the unity of the party in the face of the political enemy are their forte — Woodrow Wyatt

ever a staunch Federalist, he viewed the policies of Jefferson and his followers with repugnance — E.E.Curtis

steadfast indicates unwavering adherence unchanged over a period; like staunch it may imply resolution

hundreds of obscure martyrs now followed in the same path to another world, where surely they deserved to find their recompense if steadfast adherence to their faith, and a tranquil trust in God amid tortures and death too horrible to be related, had ever found favor above — J.L.Motley

if President Lowell had not stood steadfast against alumni pressure, we would have today a giant stadium built in the gay twenties on borrowed money — J.B.Conant

resolute implies steady firm determination to adhere

an earthquake in the midst of the proceedings terrified every prelate but the resolute primate — J.R.Green

your clients, sir, are happy in having so resolute a guardian of their confidence — Bram Stoker

II. noun

( plural faithful or faithfuls )

: one that is faithful: as

a. : one of the adherents of a system of religious belief

an Eastern Orthodox faithful is expected to attend church regularly

sectarian schools supported by the fees and contributions of the faithful — C.A. & Mary Beard

b. : baptized Christians as opposed to catechumens — used with the

the division between the liturgy of the catechumens and the liturgy of the faithful is still preserved in the Eastern Orthodox Church

c. : church members in full communion and good standing — used with the

d. : the body of adherents of the Muslim religion — used with the

the Muslim congregation of all the faithful is a democratic one — Percival Spear

e. : a devoted or loyal follower of a cause or member of an organization

only the party faithfuls and ignorant, duped immigrants … favored his cause — M.D.Hirsch

Dixieland jazz itself was losing popularity, except with the faithful who gathered in small, smoky cellar clubs to listen to it — Grady Johnson

party faithfuls will prepare tea and meals for them — Ernie Hill

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