Meaning of FREEHAND in English

I. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective

Etymology: free (I) + hand

1. : executed without mechanical aids or devices

a freehand sketch of a child

took a course in freehand drawing

freehand grinding

freehand lettering


a. : not conforming strictly to an established or conventional form or pattern : free

matching ribbon four inches wide makes a vast freehand X under one side of the bosom — Lois Long

the procedure he used was a freehand adaptation of the one he had developed in his most recent experiments with dogs — Berton Roueché

b. : unrestrained

the wealth of inspiration in the freehand imagination and fantasy of these mountaineers — Sacheverell Sitwell

settled down to freehand drinking — Martin Quigley

II. adverb

Etymology: freehand (I)

: in a freehand manner

drew a sketch freehand

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