Meaning of INSISTENT in English

I. -tənt adjective

Etymology: Latin insistent-, insistens, present participle of insistere to insist, stand upon

1. archaic : standing or resting on something


a. : insisting or disposed to insist : persistent , persevering

insistent demands

b. : compelling attention : obtrusively conspicuous

working in the insistent heat

insistent pounding of waves

a bold insistent butte


[French insistant, present participle of insister to insist]

of a bird's hind toe : inserted so far above the base of other toes that only the tip will reach to the ground — opposed to incumbent

Synonyms: see pressing

II. noun

( -s )

: an insistent person

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.