Meaning of MEMORIAL in English

I. mə̇ˈmōrēəl, -mȯr- adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin memorialis, from memoria memory + -alis -al — more at memory

1. : serving to preserve remembrance : commemorative

a memorial building

a memorial sketch

a memorial showing of an artist's work

2. : of or relating to memory : utilizing, caused by, or done from memory

the scene had been gotten by shorthand or memorial method — C.A.Greer

the bad quarto … is a memorial reconstruction — Leo Kirschbaum

memorial contamination of a manuscript

II. noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin memoriale, from Latin, neuter of memorialis, adjective

1. obsolete : memory , remembrance , recollection



(1) : something that serves to preserve memory or knowledge of an individual or event : relic , trace

the form in which he expresses his emotion bears no memorial of any external form that may have provoked it — Clive Bell

a memorial of those stormy feuds … is the thick oak door with its square hole — Brian Fitzgerald

their bones remain … as memorials of a noble attempt — W.E.Swinton

(2) : something that is kept to preserve the memory of a person or event : keepsake , memento

carved walking stick, umbrella and best black hat still remained, sacred memorials — Rex Ingamells

revive the liking for wearing memorials of the dead — Joan Evans

(3) : something designed to commemorate or preserve the memory of a person or event

his two-volume memorial to his father … was published — Current Biography

to visit this memorial to a former slave is a rewarding experience — Oscar Schisgall

Walker Memorial is the student center — Visitor's Guide to Massachusetts Institute of Tech.

the mound … should be regarded as a memorial rather than an interment — F.M.Stanton

the state's history is well recorded in 17 historic memorials — Melvin Beck

b. : commemoration 2


a. : record , memoir

the text of the memorial that accompanied the map — Marjorie S. Douglas

b. : memorandum , note

present a long memorial to the emperor — Times Literary Supplement

specifically : a legal abstract


(1) : a statement of facts addressed to a government or some branch of it often accompanied with a petition or remonstrance

submitted a memorial to Congress — Joseph Dorfman

also : a similar statement presented to a nongovernmental body

(2) : a pleading before the Permanent Court of International Justice in which a case is set forth including facts, law, and submissions

III. transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

: memorialize

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