Meaning of NINETEENTH in English

I. -ēn(t)th adjective

Etymology: Middle English nyntenthe, adjective & noun, alteration (influenced by nynetene nineteen) of nyentethe, from Old English nigontēotha, from nigontīene, nigontȳne, nigontēne nineteen + -otha, -tha -th

1. : being number 19 in a countable series

the nineteenth day

— see number table

2. : being one of 19 equal parts into which something is divisible

a nineteenth share of the money

II. noun

( plural nineteenths -ēn(t)s, -ēn(t)ths)

1. : number 19 in a countable series

the nineteenth of the month

2. : the quotient of a unit divided by 19 : one of 19 equal parts of something

one nineteenth of the total


a. : a musical interval of two octaves and a fifth

b. : an organ stop sounding pitches two octaves and a fifth above the keys used

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