Meaning of NORDIC in English

I. ˈnȯrdik, ˈnȯ(ə)d-, -dēk adjective

Usage: usually capitalized

Etymology: French nordique, from nord north (from Old French, from Old English north ) + -ique -ic — more at north

1. : of or relating to the Germanic peoples of northern Europe

2. : of or relating to a physical type characterized by tall stature, long head, light skin and hair, and blue eyes, occurring most frequently in northern Europe, and regarded by some as a racial division of the Caucasian : teutonic — compare alpine , mediterranean

3. : aryan 3a

4. : of or relating to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland

II. noun

( -s )

Usage: capitalized

1. : a native of northern Europe


a. : a person representative of the Nordic physical type

b. : a member of the hypothetical Nordic division of the Caucasian race

3. : a member of the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, or Finnish peoples : scandinavian

III. adjective

Usage: usually capitalized

: of, relating to, or being competitive ski events consisting of ski jumping and cross-country racing — compare alpine herein

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