Meaning of POSTAL in English

I. ˈpōst ə l adjective

Etymology: French, from poste post, mail + -al — more at post (mail)

1. : of or relating to the posts or mails or to the post office

postal service

postal career

postal inspector

a postal agreement between governments

2. : of or relating to a system of carrying goods or passengers on a railroad for a uniform rate irrespective of distance

the postal principle

the postal tariff

3. : conducted by mail

postal chess

postal tuition

II. noun

( -s )

: postal card

drop a postal to the editor — Congressional Record

III. adjective

Etymology: from a series of incidents during the late 1980s and early 1990s in which disgruntled United States postal workers murdered co-workers or supervisors

: insanely or murderously violent — usually used in the phrase go postal

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