Meaning of REGRESSIVE in English

rə̇ˈgresiv, rēˈ-, -sēv also -səv adjective

1. : that regresses or tends to regress : retrogressive

2. : characterized by or derived from reasoning backward (as from effect to cause or from observed facts to a principle)

3. : constituting or relating to a technique of micrological staining in which the stain is applied to excess and the excess later removed in order to enhance the specificity of the staining


a. : of, relating to, typical of, or tending to produce regression

regressive tissue changes

b. : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily structure

5. : having the nature of the first of two sounds dependent on the nature of the second

regressive assimilation

6. : decreasing in rate as the base increases — used of taxation and methods of apportioning taxes

7. : degressive b

• re·gres·sive·ly -sə̇vlē, -li adverb

• re·gres·sive·ness -sivnə̇s, -sēv- also -səv- noun -es

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