Meaning of RENUNCIATION in English

rə̇ˌnən(t)sēˈāshən, rēˌ- sometimes -ˌnənchē- noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin renuntiation-, renuntiatio, from renuntiatus (past participle of renuntiare to renounce) + -ion-, -io, -ion — more at renounce

1. : the act or practice of renouncing : sacrifice , rejection , repudiation

the renunciation of a title

a renunciation of ambitions

made a renunciation of his chairmanship

specifically : ascetic self-denial

a life of complete renunciation … as a nun — C.C.Cregan

2. Britain : a legal document by which a person appointed in a will to be its executor or a person preferentially entitled to administer the estate of an intestate renounces his right

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