Meaning of ROBOT in English

ˈrōˌbät, -_bət, usu -äd. or -əd.+V; sometimes -(ˌ)bō or -ˌbət or (+V) -ˌbəd. noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Czech, from robota work, compulsory service; akin to Old Slavic rabota servitude, Old English earfothe hardship, labor, Old High German arabeit trouble, distress, Old Norse erfithi toil, distress, Gothic arbaiths labor, Latin orbus orphaned, bereft — more at orphan


a. : a machine in the form of a human being that performs the mechanical functions of a human being but lacks emotions and sensitivity

electronically controlled robots with hands, eyebrows, and bodies that move — Time

a world of men and women — not of cast iron robots — Spectator

— compare automaton , golem

b. : an automatic apparatus or device that performs functions ordinarily ascribed to human beings or operates with what appears to be almost human intelligence ; especially : such an apparatus that is started by means of radiant energy or sound waves

a robot mechanism that steers a cultivator precisely along a row of crops — Newsweek

a robot taking pictures at intervals


(1) : a mechanism that operates without human assistance ; especially : one that is guided by automatic controls

automatic percolator robot

robot airplane

robot factory

(2) southern Africa : traffic signal

(3) : robot bomb

2. : an efficient, insensitive, and often brutalized person

social robots, taking whatever is brought to us, always grateful — Gilbert Seldes

the average worker who has functioned from adolescence as a robot — Henry Miller

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