Meaning of STUFFY in English

ˈstəfē, -fi adjective

( -er/-est )

1. obsolete : containing stuff or substance : substantial

2. : sullen , ill-humored

wrong feeding may have much to do with … stuffy , ill-natured, contractive individuals — H.A.Overstreet


a. : lacking oxygen : oppressive to the breathing : stale , close

it was not and stuffy , and the air was gray with smoke — W.S.Maugham

popping into the stuffy little office — Vicki Baum

b. : stuffed or choked up

the stuffy feeling in the head — H.G.Armstrong

4. : lacking in vitality or interest : dull , stodgy

a woodenly earnest, relentlessly stuffy sort of fellow … not very strong on humor — Alan Devoe

the press conference … was far from solemn and stuffy — Stafford Derby

5. : provincial in outlook : narrowly inflexible in standards of conduct : self-righteous

am abiding by the rather involved, stuffy code of ethics — R.L.Riggs

resistance to stuffy taboos and pieties — N.E.Nelson

against the orders of a rather stuffy police commissioner — S.H.Adams

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