Meaning of SURREALISM in English

səˈr]ēəˌlizəm also |sər.|r] or (ˈ)sē|r] or (ˈ)su̇(r)|r] or (ˈ)su̇ə|r] sometimes ]āə- or ˈsər.] or ˈsə.r] or ˈsu̇r]\ noun

Etymology: French surréalisme, from sur- + réalisme realism, from réal real (from Middle French) + -isme -ism — more at real

: the principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or incongruous imagery in art or literature by means of unnatural juxtapositions and combinations

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.