Meaning of UNDERSTANDING in English

I. noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from understandan to understand + -ing

1. : the act of grasping mentally : comprehension , discernment , interpretation

a clear understanding of the reasons for his failure


a. : the ability to understand : the power of comprehending, analyzing, distinguishing, and judging

an argument aimed at the understanding rather than the emotions

b. : the condition of having attained to full comprehension

the book deals with matters beyond a child's understanding

3. : the faculty or ability of subsuming the particular under the general or of apprehending general relations of particulars ; also : judgment 10b

b. : the power to make experience intelligible by bringing perceived particulars under appropriate concepts

c. : the capacity to formulate and apply to experience concepts and categories, to judge, and to draw logical inferences — distinguished from reason; compare dianoia , ratio 1b, techne


a. : a friendly or harmonious relationship

working for better understanding between nations

had never been much understanding between the brothers

b. : an agreement of opinion or feeling : adjustment of differences

reached an understanding with the children about television programs

c. : a mutual agreement not formally entered into but in some degree binding on each side

a monetary understanding between two countries

especially : an informal engagement to marry

d. : an understood or acknowledged condition, limitation, or provision

allowed to plow up the footpaths during the war on the understanding that they restored them afterward — S.P.B.Mais

5. : signification , meaning

according to the usual understanding of the word

Synonyms: see reason

II. adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from present participle of understanden to understand

1. archaic : knowing , intelligent , skillful

2. : endowed with or displaying understanding

understanding heart

3. : possessed of a tolerant, kindly, humane, or sympathetic attitude

understanding parents

• un·der·stand·ing·ly adverb

• un·der·stand·ing·ness noun -es

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.