Meaning of UNFRIENDLY in English

“+ adjective

Etymology: Middle English unfrendly, from un- (I) + frendly friendly

: not friendly:

a. : not showing or marked by the disposition or attitude of one that is or wishes to be a friend

an unfriendly action for him to take after years of close association

b. : not well disposed : unsympathetic , hostile

an unfriendly reviewer

an unfriendly nation

c. : marked by lack of warmth : cold

received an unfriendly reception

d. : inhospitable , unfavorable

a place unfriendly to meditation

the unfriendly and lonesome environment at high altitude — H.G.Armstrong

e. of a fire : spreading beyond intended limits : out of control

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.