Meaning of BOUND in English

bound 1

— boundness , n.

/bownd/ , v.

1. pt. and pp. of bind .


2. tied; in bonds: a bound prisoner.

3. made fast as if by a band or bond: She is bound to her family.

4. secured within a cover, as a book.

5. under a legal or moral obligation: He is bound by the terms of the contract.

6. destined; sure; certain: It is bound to happen.

7. determined or resolved: He is bound to go.

8. Pathol. constipated.

9. Math. (of a vector) having a specified initial point as well as magnitude and direction. Cf. free (def. 31).

10. held with another element, substance, or material in chemical or physical union.

11. (of a linguistic form) occurring only in combination with other forms, as most affixes. Cf. free (def. 34).

12. bound up in or with ,

a. inseparably connected with.

b. devoted or attached to: She is bound up in her teaching.

[ ptp. and past tense of BIND ]

Syn. 5. liable, obligated, obliged, compelled.

bound 2

— boundingly , adv.

/bownd/ , v.i.

1. to move by leaps; leap; jump; spring: The colt bounded through the meadow.

2. to rebound, as a ball; bounce: The ball bounded against the wall.


3. a leap onward or upward; jump.

4. a rebound; bounce.

[ 1545-55; bond a leap, bondir to leap, orig. resound *bombitire for *bombitare to buzz, whiz (L bomb ( us ) (see BOMB) + -it- intensive suffix + -a- thematic vowel + -re inf. suffix) ]

Syn. 1. See skip 1 .

bound 3

— boundable , adj.

/bownd/ , n.

1. Usually, bounds . limit or boundary: the bounds of space and time; within the bounds of his estate; within the bounds of reason.

2. something that limits, confines, or restrains.

3. bounds ,

a. territories on or near a boundary.

b. land within boundary lines.

4. Math. a number greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to, all the numbers in a given set. Cf. greatest lower bound, least upper bound, lower bound, upper bound .

5. out of bounds ,

a. beyond the official boundaries, prescribed limits, or restricted area: The ball bounced out of bounds.

b. forbidden; prohibited: The park is out of bounds to students.


6. to limit by or as if by bounds; keep within limits or confines.

7. to form the boundary or limit of.

8. to name or list the boundaries of.


9. to abut.

[ 1175-1225; ME bounde bone, bonde, var. of bodne budina, of uncert. orig.; cf. BOURN 2 ]

Syn. 1. border, frontier, confine.

bound 4

/bownd/ , adj.

1. going or intending to go; on the way to; destined (usually fol. by for ): The train is bound for Denver.

2. Archaic. prepared; ready.

[ 1150-1200; ME b ( o ) un ready buinn, ptp. of bua to get ready ]

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