Meaning of COMP in English

comp 1

/komp/ , Informal.


1. a compositor.

2. composition.


3. to compose (type).

[ 1865-70; shortened form ]

comp 2

/komp/ , Informal.


1. a ticket, book, service, etc., provided free of charge to specially chosen recipients.


2. complimentary; free of charge: I received a comp copy of her book.


3. to provide with a comp: Some casinos comped the biggest spenders, providing rooms and meals on the house.

4. to provide free of charge: His meals and drinks at the hotel were often comped.

[ 1885-90; by shortening of COMPLIMENTARY ]

comp 3

/komp/ , v.i. Jazz.

to accompany a soloist with a succession of irregularly spaced chords that punctuate the rhythm.

[ 1945-50, Amer.; shortening of ACCOMPANY ]

comp 4

/komp/ , n. Often, comps . Informal.

comprehensive (def. 4).

[ by shortening ]

comp 5

/komp/ , n. Informal.

compensation: workers' comp; unemployment comp.

[ by shortening ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .