Meaning of CONNATE in English

— connately , adv. — connateness , n. — connation /keuh nay"sheuhn/ , n.

/kon"ayt/ , adj.

1. existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn: a connate sense of right and wrong.

2. associated in birth or origin.

3. allied or agreeing in nature; cognate.

4. Anat. firmly united; fused.

5. Bot. congenitally joined, as leaves.

6. Geol. trapped in sediment at the time the sediment was deposited: connate water.

[ 1635-45; connatus (ptp. of connasci to be born at the same time with), equiv. to L con- CON- + na- (short s. of nasci ) + -tus ptp. suffix (see NASCENT) ]

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