Meaning of DIERESIS in English

— dieretic /duy'euh ret"ik/ , adj.

/duy er"euh sis/ , n. , pl. diereses /-seez'/ .

1. the separation of two adjacent vowels, dividing one syllable into two.

2. a sign (¨) placed over the second of two adjacent vowels to indicate separate pronunciation, as in one spelling of the older forms naïve and coöperate: no longer widely used in English.

3. Pros. the division made in a line or verse by coincidence of the end of a foot and the end of a word.

Also, diaeresis .

[ 1605-15; diaeresis diaíresis lit., distinction, division, equiv. to diaire-, s. of diaireîn to divide ( di- DI- 3 + haireîn to take) + -sis -SIS ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .