Meaning of EMINENCE in English

/em"euh neuhns/ , n.

1. high station, rank, or repute: philosophers of eminence.

2. a high place or part; a hill or elevation; height.

3. ( cap. ) Rom. Cath. Ch. a title of honor, applied to cardinals (usually prec. by His or Your ).

4. Anat. an elevation or projection, esp. on a bone.

[ 1375-1425; late ME eminentia, equiv. to emin- (base of eminere to stand out; see EMINENT) + -entia -ENCE ]

Syn. 1. conspicuousness, note, fame. 2. prominence.

Ant. 1. obscurity.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .