Meaning of INQUIRE in English

— inquirable , adj. — inquirer , n.

/in kwuyeur"/ , v. , inquired, inquiring .


1. to seek information by questioning; ask: to inquire about a person.

2. to make investigation (usually fol. by into ): to inquire into the incident.


3. to seek to learn by asking: to inquire a person's name.

4. Obs. to seek.

5. Obs. to question (a person).

6. inquire after , to ask about the state of health or condition of: Friends have been calling all morning to inquire after you.

Also, enquire .

[ 1250-1300; ME inquirere to seek for (see IN- 2 , QUERY); r. ME enqueren enquerre ]

Syn. 1-3. investigate, examine, query. INQUIRE, ASK, QUESTION imply that a person addresses another to obtain information. ASK is the general word: to ask what time it is. INQUIRE is more formal and implies asking about something specific: to inquire about a rumor. To QUESTION implies repetition and persistence in asking; it often applies to legal examination or investigation: to question the survivor of an accident. Sometimes it implies doubt: to question a figure, an account.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .