Meaning of AUTHORITY in English




1) to assume; delegate; demonstrate, show; establish; exercise, wield; invoke ~

2) to defy; deny, reject; undermine ~

3) absolute, complete, full, supreme, unquestioned; parental ~

4) ~ for; over (he assumed ~ for overseas operations; a commanding officer has complete ~ over her personnel)

5) in ~ (who was in ~?)

6) of ~ (a man, woman of ~)

7) under smb.'s ~ (these employees are under my ~)

legal power


8) to abuse, overstep one's ~

9) legal; ministerial; presidential; reviewing ( mil .); royal ~

10) by, on smb.'s ~ (by whose ~ were these funds spent? she did it on her own ~)

11) the ~ to + inf. (the police had the ~ to conduct a search)



12) to cite, invoke an ~

13) a competent, reliable; indisputable, irrefutable, unimpeachable, unquestioned; leading, respected ~; the greatest living ~

14) an ~ on (an outstanding ~ on shipbuilding)

15) on ~ (on good ~; on the highest ~)

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.