сейсмоприёмник - adjacent geophones - auxiliary geophone - borehole geophone - buried geophone - calibrated geophone - common geophone - completely buried geophone - connected geophones - damped geophone - dead geophone - digital geophone - digital grade geophone - digital grade long travel geophone - distant geophone - distributed geophones - downdip geophone - dynamic geophone - electrical geophone - electrodynamic geophone - end geophone - high-frequency geophone - high-output geophone - high-resolution geophone - horizontal component geophone - horizontal geophone - horizontal radial motion geophone - horizontal transverse motion geophone - humbucking geophone - individual geophone - jug geophone - land geophone - land-and-borehole geophone - live geophone - longitudinally polarized geophone - low-frequency geophone - marsh geophone - matched geophones - miniature geophone - motion-sensitive geophone - moving-armature geophone - moving-coil geophone - moving-conductor geophone - multiple geophones - nearest geophone - normal-wound geophone - offset geophone - oriented geophone - partially buried geophone - pickup geophone - piezoelectrical geophone - planted geophone - polarized geophone - pressure-sensitive geophone - reference geophone - reflection geophone - refraction geophone - responsive geophone - reverse-wound geophone - self-orienting geophone - sensitive geophone - side-wall clamped geophone - single geophone - single-coil geophone - spaced geophones - standard geophone - stationary geophone - subminiature geophone - successive geophones - three-component geophone - three-directional geophone - three-mode geophone - tie geophone - underdumped geophone - uniformly placed geophones - uniformly spaced geophones - updip geophone - uphole geophone - variable-reluctance geophone - velocity geophone - vertical component geophone - vertical geophone - vertical motion geophone - vertically spaced geophone - well geophone - wideband geophone
Англо-русский перевод GEOPHONE
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998