1. шкив 2. блок - band wheel tug pulley - belt pulley - brake pulley - cable pulley - casing line pulley - casing pulley - crane pulley - crown pulley - crowned pulley - dead pulley - derrick pulley - double sheave pulley - drawoff pulley - drive pulley - driving pulley - fast pulley - fixed pulley - free pulley - friction pulley - guide pulley - guiding pulley - jockey pulley - loose pulley - quick-changeable pulley - rope pulley - sand line pulley - sandreel friction pulley - scored pulley - snatch pulley - snub pulley - spudding pulley - stepped pulley - straining pulley - stretching pulley - tandem rope pulleys - tension pulley - tightening pulley - tug pulley
Англо-русский перевод PULLEY
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998