1. сейсмические исследования; сейсмическая разведка, сейсморазведка; сейсмическое профилирование || сейсморазведочный 2. взрывные работы, производство взрывов, взрывание 3. простреливание; перфорирование (скважины или оборудования в ней) 4. торпедирование (скважины) shooting between wells — профилирование между скважинами; shooting downdip — профилирование по падению; shooting from A toward B — профилирование от А до Б; shooting in both directions — встречное профилирование; shooting on paper — сейсм. составление технического проекта; shooting updip — профилирование по восстанию - additional shooting - air pattern shooting - air shooting - arc shooting - back shooting - broadside shooting - buffer shooting - bump shooting of pipes - cage shooting - circle shooting - common-depth-point shooting - continuous shooting - controlled direction shooting - conventional shooting - correlation refraction shooting - correlation shooting - crosswell shooting - detail shooting - detailed shooting - dip shooting - direct shooting - direction shooting - downdip shooting - dynamite shooting - end-on shooting - fan shooting - field shooting - in-line shooting - land shooting - marine shooting - marsh shooting - multiline shooting - n-fold shooting - oblique shooting - off-end shooting - offset shooting - offshore shooting - oil-well shooting - open-hole shooting - pattern shooting - pipe bump shooting - preliminary shooting - profile shooting - radial shooting - reconnaissance shooting - reflection shooting - refraction shooting - repeated shooting - reversed shooting - ring shooting - salt-dome shooting - seismic profile shooting - seismic shooting - selective shooting - sequential shooting - shallow-water shooting - shaped-charge shooting - shooting of oil well - single-ship seismic shooting - split-dip shooting - split-spread shooting - squib shooting - test shooting - trouble shooting - unidirectional shooting - updip shooting - uphole shooting - velocity shooting - volley shooting - water shooting - weathering shooting - well shooting - wide-angle reflection shooting - zero-offset shooting
Англо-русский перевод SHOOTING
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998