Англо-русский перевод TONGS

1. трубный ключ (для труб большого диаметра) 2. клещи; плоскогубцы; щипцы; захваты to buck the tongs — работать с резьбовыми соединениями (на прокладке трубопровода); to push tongs — свинчивать (трубопровод) ключами; tongs with automatic catch — трубный ключ с автоматическим захватом; - adjustable pipe tongs - adjustable sucker rod tongs - air tongs - automatic tongs - backup chain tongs - backup tongs - breakout tongs - Brown tongs - casing tongs - chain pipe tongs - circular tongs - core tongs - dressing bit tongs - drill pipe tongs - drilling power tongs - Dunn casing tongs - eccentric tongs - extension tongs - Griffin casing tongs - hand tongs - Hardison chain casing tongs - hoisting tongs - hydraulic power tongs - hydraulic tongs - Kellerman chain casing tongs - lay tongs - lazy tongs - lead tongs - lowering tongs - machine tongs - makeup tongs - multijaw power tongs - pipe tongs - pipe-carrying tongs - pneumatic power tongs - power sucker rod tongs - power tongs - power tubing tongs with rollover feature - power tubing tongs - reversible chain tongs - rotary tongs - scissor tongs - slide tongs - sucker-rod and tubing tongs - sucker-rod tongs - suspended sucker rod tongs - suspended tongs - tubing tongs - Zalkin circular tongs

ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas.      Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу.