дистилляция, перегонка; разгонка distillation from zinc dust — перегонка с цинковой пылью; distillation to coke — перегонка до кокса; distillation with steam — перегонка с (водяным) паром - air distillation - air equilibrium distillation - analytical distillation - atmospheric vacuum distillation - azeotropic distillation - batch distillation - coal distillation - component distillation - contact distillation - continuous distillation - destructive distillation - differential distillation - dry distillation - Engler distillation - equilibrium air distillation - extractive distillation - fire distillation - flash distillation - fluidized distillation - fractional distillation - gasoline distillation - Hempel distillation - hot-oil distillation - low-temperature distillation - molecular distillation - naphtha distillation - oil-shale distillation - preliminary distillation - pyrogenic distillation - resinous wood distillation - selective azeotropic distillation - simple distillation - simulated distillation - solar distillation - steam distillation - straight-run distillation - straight distillation - suitability distillation - superheated steam distillation - true-boiling-point distillation - vacuum distillation - wet distillation - wet vacuum distillation - wood distillation
Англо-русский перевод DISTILLATION
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997